Trees contribute significantly to all residential and commercial developments, whether urban, sub-urban, semi-rural or rural. It is therefore important that they are considered at an early stage within the design process. Wherever possible existing established trees should be retained, while the design of the new development ought to include a planting scheme, which will compliment the proposed new buildings.
"I think that I shall never see
A billboard lovely as a tree.
Indeed, unless the billboard fall,
I will never see a tree at all."
- Ogden Nash: Song of the Open Road -
ArborEcology Ltd commonly provides expert advice to Architects, Town Planners and Developers during the process of planning applications, which serves to address the arboricultural implications of proposed schemes. The preparation of Arboricultural Implication Studies (AIS), Tree Protection Strategies and Risk Assessments are essential parts of development schemes that integrate successfully with the environment.
Getting the compromise
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Hazard Assessment
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- Ancient and Veteran Trees |